Dun dun dun dun, today is one of our favorite days of the year - National Golden Retriever Day! Why would a company that specializes in merch for fraternities and sororities care about golden retrievers, you ask? Well it is because we are OBSESSED with our office dog, Max (you can “meet Max” and watch a short video of him here.)

There are many types of golden retrievers out there, but none are like our Max. Our golden boy started “working” at Campus Classics in 2017 when our founders’ son was interning here for the summer. Their son was, quite frankly, appalled that his parents were making Max sit at home all day while they were having fun in the office. And thus, our friendly office dog was born. Since that fateful day in 2017, our favorite golden retriever has been showing up to the office nearly every single day and trust us, we put him to work when he’s here.

If you didn’t already know, Max is the model behind our Golden Retriever Tee Collection. Right now at the beginning of 2022, there are more than a dozen fraternity and sorority retriever tees in his collection and it just keeps growing! Max has modeled with reindeer antlers on his head, with a classic boonie hat and Hawaiian shirt combo, sporting a graduation cap and stole, and he even dressed up as a vampire for last year’s Halloween retriever tee.

Max also has his own instagram account and frequently shows up on the Campus Classics instagram and tiktok accounts, too. You can watch him run around our warehouse, nap during meetings in the office, and model at our company photoshoots on his social media pages. He’s in pretty high demand over here.

Which is why today, National Golden Retriever Day, is a day for our golden boy to be pampered and loved on more than usual. There will be balloons, there will be party hats, there will be extra treats, and there will be lots of belly rubs going on today. He might even convince one of us to go out in the freezing weather and throw a stick for him.

If you want to celebrate with us, head on over to his Instagram page and send him some love in the comments. Or if you want to have this gorgeous boy’s face on your t-shirt, you can shop fraternity retriever tees, sorority retriever tees, or generic retriever tees right now on our website.