The story of Chi Phi is one of strength through collaboration. At one time, there were three organizations known as Chi Phi; the Chi Phi Society, founded at the College of New Jersey (later know as Princeton University) in 1824, the Chi Phi Fraternity (known in history as the Southern Order of Chi Phi), founded at the University of North Carolina in 1858, and the Secret Order of Chi Phi (known in history as the Hobart Order of Chi Phi), founded at Hobart College in 1860. In 1874, after the tumultuous years of the Civil War, the three separate organizations united as one entity, greater than the sum of its parts, as the Chi Phi Fraternity that we know today.
Since its early days nearly 190 years ago, Chi Phi has grown into an admirable brotherhood, with over 43,500 living alumni members and 54 active chapters across the U.S. The founders knew the value of hard work and responsibility, and that is reflected through the outstanding accomplishments of many of their modern members, particularly Daryl G. Brewster (President & CEO of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Inc.), Jack W. Nicklaus, II (President of Nicklaus Design), Charles C. Counselman, III (Inventor of the handheld GPS), and Walter Cronkite (Journalist & Anchorman). With Brothers like these, it is easy to see why so many men want to wear the Chi Phi scarlet and blue!
Service to others is a core value of the Greek system and Chi Phi is no exception, for this reason, all members are encouraged to get involved with their national philanthropy, the Boys & Girls Clubs of America. Since its inception, the Boys & Girls Clubs have served over 3 million youths through their five core areas of programming: character and leadership development, education and career development, health and life skills, the arts, and sports, fitness, and recreation. These goals of the Boys & Girls Clubs fit perfectly with the mission of Chi Phi Fraternity, “To build better men through lifelong friendships, leadership opportunities, and character development.”
The motto decided upon by the founders of Chi Phi Fraternity is Truth, Honor, and Personal Integrity, values that modern day Brothers still strive to attain. In all aspects of life, whether public or private, academic or social, the men of Chi Phi hold themselves to the same high standards that have been valued by the Fraternity since 1824, standards that are timeless and true.